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The DJammer: "Air-Scratching" and Freeing the D J to Join the Party

Slayden, April; Spasojevic, Mirjana; Hans, Mat; Smith, Mark

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): digital music; tools; entertainment; input and interaction technologies; prototyping; concept design

Abstract: Traditional Disc Jockeys use vinyl records and turntables to manipulate music in real time. We describe the development of the DJammer, a new device that enables its users to manipulate digital music using a portable handheld sensor. In addition to the standard actions offered by most portable digital music players, the DJammer provides its users with control capabilities previously offered only through the use of turntables. Using the DJammer, DJs can "air-scratch" digital music via simple hand motions similar to those used when scratching vinyl records, fade the music, and jump to a predefined position within the song using a wireless sensor designed to fit in the DJ's hand. The preliminary study of the device by experienced DJs suggests that it can play a role as an accessory to their professional equipment, freeing them to step away from their consoles during the performance and uncovering opportunities for creativity and personalization. Notes: To be published in and presented as an Interactive Poster at ACM CHI 2005, 2-7 April 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA

4 Pages

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