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FEEDBACKFLOW - An Adaptive Workflow Generator for System Management

Andrzejak, Artur; Hermann, Ulf; Sahai, Akhil


Keyword(s): workflow; autonomic; adaptive; system; management; planning

Abstract: We describe a prototypical framework that further automates system management by composing complex management tasks from elementary actions, and executing composite tasks with feedback-awareness. FEEDBACKFLOW implements a general closed control loop of planning - execution - result validation - replanning, and generates workflows of system management actions in an adaptive manner. System- dependent behaviour of the loop is specified by declarative description of the domain (essentially descriptions of available actions), and statement of the goal. We evaluate the design of this framework on examples taken from resource construction in Utility Computing environments, and discuss the challenges we have encountered. Our implementation utilizes external components such as MBP, a PDDL-conform planner, and Triana, a workflow specification and execution framework. An alternative approach involving BPEL4WS is discussed. Notes: A shorter version of this paper was published in ICAC 2005, 13-16 June 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA

9 Pages

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