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Intelligent Content Fitting for Digital Publishing

Lin, Xiaofan


Keyword(s):digital publishing; variable data printing; layout and composition; automatic image cropping; XSL-FO

Abstract: One recurring problem in Variable Data Printing (VDP) is that the existing contents cannot satisfy the VDP task as-is. So there is a strong need for content fitting technologies to support high-value digital publishing applications, in which text and image are the two major types of contents. This paper presents meta-Autocrop framework for image fitting and TextFlex technology for text fitting. The meta-Autocrop framework supports multiple modes: fixed a spect-ratio mode, advice mode, and verification mode. The TextFlex technology supports non-rectangular text wrapping and paragraph-based line breaking. We also demonstrate how these content fitting technologies are utilized in the overall automated composition and layout system. Notes: Copyright 2006 SPIE. Published in and presented at the SPIE Conference on Digital Publishing, 15-19 January 2006, San Jose, CA, USA

9 Pages

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