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GridLite: A Framework for Managing and Provisioning Services on Grid-Enabled Resource Limited Devices

Kumar, Raj; Song, Xiang


Keyword(s): Grid; Web services; handheld device; resource constrained device; music management

Abstract: GridLite is an extensible framework that provides services to users on ubiquitous, resource-limited devices within a Grid infrastructure. It uses a server infrastructure for provisioning of persistent services, and smart helper services running on the "lite" devices which tap into this infrastructure. One of the goals of GridLite research is to define a Grid architecture which manages these devices such that their resource constraints are minimized by the intelligent Grid infrastructure. This is done by defining new services for managing various resources. In this paper, we discuss the background, requirements and architecture of GridLite. We also demonstrate a proof of concept by implementing GridLite architecture in our test bed.

9 Pages

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