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A Bluetooth-enabled Digital Picture Frame

Hoover, Christopher


Keyword(s): pictures; digital cameras; mobile phones; bluetooth; frame; remote control

Abstract: This fall, devices carrying Bluetooth technology began shipping at a rate of 1 million a week. Seven out of 10 of those devices are cell phones [1]. Many of these phones are imaging-capable: in the 2003 Japanese market, only one of 10 phones did not contain a camera [2]. The trends for the North American and European markets are similar. Camera phones represent an increasing fraction of the image capture devices that consumers use. Nokia expects images from camera phones to drive more printing than those from digital still cameras this year [2]. Consumers will demand convenient mechanisms to store, disseminate, print and view images from mobile phones. In this paper, we address viewing images by consumers within the home. Our solution is a Bluetooth-enabled, digital “picture frame” that interacts easily with Bluetooth-enabled camera phones, cameras and PDA’s.

3 Pages

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