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Ontology-based Software Development

Abad, Jose L.; Yacoub, Sherif

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): ontology; domain knowledge; software development process

Abstract: This paper describes the use of domain knowledge and ontology in the software development process. The purpose of this work is to capture the domain knowledge in a form that can be easily reused and shared among teams. The nature of the teams can be heterogeneous and cover all the spectrum of func tions involved in the development process, e.g., marketing, development, graphic designers, etc. The knowledge is shared upon a common set of terms and definitions that grant a common base for understanding. We use the Resource Definition Framework (RDF) standard to model domain knowledge. Domain knowledge is the core of the knowledge shared among our teams. Each of these teams may be expert in at least one domain but require interaction from other domains. If each domain is represented using domain knowledge technology, such as RDF, the sharing of knowledge is maximized. A set of tools centered on the ontology models are used for all steps of development process. We believe that development processes based on reusing domain knowledge across products increase productivity and decrease time to market.

24 Pages

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