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TStreams: A Model of Parallel Computation (Preliminary Report)

Knobe, Kathleen; Offner, Carl D.


Keyword(s): TStreams; parallelism

Abstract: TStreams is a new language for describing parallel computations. It distinguishes the expression of the potential parallelism of the program from both 1) the lower-level serial details of the algorithm, and 2) the actual parallelism for a given target. TStreams describes what to compute and when it can be computed. It represents all styles of parallelism ( e.g., task parallelism, data parallelism, loop parallelism, pipeline parallelism) in a uniform way. On the other hand it is not concerned with details of the actual computations or the data types. So TStreams is not a general-purpose language. You cannot add 2 and 2 in TStreams. TStreams has a single data structure, a single control structure and a single operation. TStreams makes no assumptions about the target architecture (shared memory/distributed memory/grid/web service/streaming). On the other hand, TStreams maximizes the effectiveness of optimizing the program for a specific target by eliminating all inessential constraints.

36 Pages

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