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Custom Content Delivery: Taking the Next Step

Charles, Susan K.


Keyword(s): information services; customized content delivery; business content aggregators; online databases; external industry news

Abstract: This paper looks at two specific projects that utilize the cutting-edge publishing capabilities available from external, HP-licensed business content aggregators (business/industry databases). These projects were undertaken to provide specific HP business groups, corporate organizations, and decision-makers with customized, targeted information services. The first featured project, Critical Systems Weekly, is an in-depth newsletter containing carefully selected news and analysis related to enterprise computing markets. It is designed for high readability & portability (PDF format). The second project involves the creation of an HP intranet service for HP finance professionals. Finance trend articles are selected, and PDF and full-text versions are made accessible to readers via a page on the HP FinanceNet portal. Both projects demonstrate the use of creative options for providing high-value, HP-licensed external content packaged into customized information services that meet specifications set by HP business groups and organizations. Notes: Copyright Information Today, Inc. To be published in Online: The Leading Magazine for Information Professionals, March/April, 2004 issue

9 Pages

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