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Semantic Blogging and Decentralized Knowledge Management

Cayzer, Steve

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): semantic web; blogging; knowledge management; snippet

Abstract: Snippets are information nuggets that we would like to store, annotate and share. This is an example of what I call informal, decentralized knowledge management. Email is inadequate for this task; web logs (blogs) offer a decentralized though unstructured approach. I advocate the use of rich metadata to address this task; a technique I call Semantic Blogging. In this article I show how semantic blogging enables new behaviours such as: View (using semantic metadata to enhance the view of rich content); Navigation (using semantic metadata to more efficiently find blog items of interest); and Query (using semantic metadata to build rich queries over a community's knowledge). A simple prototype to demonstrate these capabilities is available at http://www.semanticblogging.org/.

6 Pages

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