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lmbench -- an extensible micro-benchmark suite

Staelin, Carl


Keyword(s): micro-benchmarking; performance analysis; measurement

Abstract: lmbench is a powerful and extensible suite of micro- benchmarks that measure a variety of important aspects of system performance. It has a powerful timing harness that manages most of the "housekeeping" chores associated with benchmarking, making it easy to create new benchmarks that analyze systems or components of specific interest to the user. In many ways lmbench is a Swiss army knife for performance analysis. It includes an extensive suite of micro-benchmarks that give powerful insights into system performance. For those aspects of system or application performance not covered by the suite, it is generally a simple task to create new benchmarks using the timing harness. lmbench is written in ANSI-C and uses POSIX interfaces, so it is portable across a wide variety of systems and architectures. It also includes powerful new tools that measure performance under scalable loads to analyze SMP and clustered system performance Notes: Copyright John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2004 Published in Software -- Practice and Experience

29 Pages

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