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Bibliographic Control and Content Management on the Web

Seys, Debora


Keyword(s): Content Management; bibliographic control; library catalog; information access

Abstract: Web Content Management is examined in order to understand what kind of changes this type of publishing will bring to our ability to provide bibliographic control and access for these new forms of text on the web. As authors create 'chunks' of content and software distributes it in various forms to multiple interfaces, each reader/end-user can now see a unique text. This creates what can be called a three-dimensional text. As this type of publishing becomes the norm, users will need less help in navigating to an individual bibliographic entity and more help in navigating the relationships between the content 'chunks' and the ideas and meaning they embody. In addition, some interesting bibliographic problems and solutions are also presented that can help us to understand and solve some of the questions that arise as a result of the revolutionary nature of publishing on the web. Notes: A modified version of this paper was published in the proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), 2001.

19 Pages

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