HP did not get "Blastered"">
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Why HP did not get "Blastered"

Brown, Richard; Griffin, Jonathan; Norman, Andy; Smith, Richard


Keyword(s): active countermeasures; blaster; scanning; virus; worm

Abstract: In August 2003 the IT industry was brought to its knees due to the release of a vicious worm called "Blaster" which cost the industry billions of dollars. However, HP was largely unaffected because of innovative technology produced jointly by HP Labs and Corporate IT that has been protecting our corporate network for over two years. In this paper we will explain how these new types of worms attack and spread, using Blaster as an example, and then describe the technology we have developed as a countermeasure to these attacks. In particular, we will provide details on the SETI@home-style distribution mechanism we have adopted which enables us to scan 400,000 connected devices every day, and also the payloads we deploy to keep our network safe.

9 Pages

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