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Secure Transcoding with JPSEC Confidentiality and Authentication

Wee, Susie; Apostolopoulos, John


Keyword(s): image security; transcoding; JPEG-2000; JPSEC; confidentiality; authentication; secure scalable streaming; secure transcoding

Abstract: The emerging JPEG-2000 Part 8 Security standard (JPSEC) is being defined to provide security services for JPEG-2000 images [1, 2]. This paper describes how confidentiality and authentication can be applied in a manner that allows mid-network adaptation of protected JPSEC streams while preserving end-to-end security. We achieved this by designing the JPSEC syntax to support the principles of secure scalable streaming and secure transcoding [3,4,5]. Specifically, we designed JPSEC encryption methods and signaling syntax that enable an entity to securely adapt or transcode the resulting JPSEC-protected stream without requiring decryption. We discuss tradeoffs in protection, transcoding flexibility, and complexity for the different encryption methods. Furthermore, we show how authentication can be applied to verify that the secure transcoding operation was performed in a valid and permissible manner. Notes: Copyright IEEE To be presented at and published in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 24-27 October 2004, Singapore

4 Pages

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