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Large-Scale Personalized Video Streaming with Program Insertion Proxies

Brassil, Jack; Kim, Taehyun


Keyword(s): multimedia; internet

Abstract: Increasingly intelligent internet overlay networks promise to deliver streaming media and value-added media services in ways that can not be easily achieved with conventional broadcast networks. Such an overlay would allow an individual viewer or groups of viewers to receive unique programming content (e.g., commercial advertisements, entertainment) that matches their previously specified preferences. Toward this end, we introduce a scalable overlay network architecture and signaling mechanism that permits dynamic program insertions in live, high quality video streams transmitted over IP networks. We describe the implementation of an application proxy that dynamically inserts pre-recorded video programs into NTSC D1 quality Motion-JPEG streams with no visible artifacts. We argue that on-demand program switching is merely a first step towards a new generation of media services; increases in computing power will ultimately permit network-based proxies to manipulate and augment multimedia content as it flows through the network. Notes: Copyright IEEE. To be published in IEEE Communications Magazine, 3rd Quarter of 2004

9 Pages

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