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Data conversion, extraction and record linkage using XML and RDF tools in Project SIMILE

Butler, Mark H.; Gilbert, John; Seaborne, Andy; Smathers, Kevin


Keyword(s): SIMILE; RDF; Semantic Web; thesauri; data conversion; extraction; screen scraping; record linkage

Abstract: SIMILE is a joint project between MIT Libraries, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), HP Labs and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It is investigating the application of Semantic Web tools, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF), to the problem of dealing with heterogeneous metadata. This report describes how XML and RDF tools are used to perform data conversion, extraction and record linkage on some sample datasets featuring visual images (ARTstor) and learning objects (OpenCourseWare) in the first SIMILE proof of concept demo.

18 Pages

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