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Developing A Streaming Media Capture And Delivery Service: The Experience at Hewlett Packard Labs

Dinkelacker, Jamie; Yoshikawa, Mark; Parry, Alan M.


Keyword(s): streaming media; video; digital capture

Abstract: Like many large, distributed organizations, Hewlett Packard Labs has facilities around the globe. As part of a research environment, it's common for specialists to give talks on current work, and to invite guest speakers on topics of interest. However, special expertise is also distributed within the geographic areas and time zones in which people live and work, so how can their talks be made available across time and distance? To this end, we've created digital encoding kiosks that can accept either video tapes (PAL, VHS) or live feeds from a camera, digitize these, and store them on a media server for subsequent viewing via streaming media on Windows or Linux platforms. Described below are the techniques used at HP Labs to provide this service.

14 Pages

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