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Energy-Adaptive Display System Designs for Future Mobile Environments

Iyer, Subu; Luo, Lu; Mayo, Robert; Ranganathan, Parthasarathy


Keyword(s): power managements; displays; energy; low-power; OLED; user-interface; mobility

Abstract: The utility of a mobile computer, such as a laptop, is largely constrained by battery life. The display stands out as a major consumer of battery energy, so reducing that consumption is desirable. In this paper, we motivate and study energy-adaptive display sub- systems that match display energy consumption to the functionality required by the workload/user. Through a detailed characterization of display usage patterns, we show that screen usage of a typical user is primarily associated with content that could be displayed in smaller and simpler displays with significantly lower energy use. We propose example energy-adaptive designs that use emerging OLED displays and software optimizations that we call dark windows. Modeling the power benefits from this approach shows significant, though user-specific, energy benefits. Prototype implementations also show acceptability of the new user interfaces among users. Notes: To be published in the Proceedings of MobiSys 2003: The First International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, 5-8 May 2003, San Francisco, CA

14 Pages

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