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Making the Utility Data Center a Power Station for the Enterprise Grid

Graupner, Sven; Pruyne, Jim; Singhal, Sharad


Keyword(s): grid; utility computing; utility data center; enterprise systems; infrastructure; resource provisioning

Abstract: Grids are seen as the 'next big thing' in the computing industry [1], [2]. Governments and industry are currently making significant investments in grid technologies [3] that allow transparent sharing of resources and foster collaboration within and across large organizations. While grid technologies have their roots in scientific computing, it is anticipated that they will also provide significant benefits in enterprise environments. Specifically, grids will enable adaptive resource sharing and collaboration within enterprises. However, there are significant differences between scientific applications and applications typically found in enterprises that must be accounted for when establishing grids within enterprises. The Utility Data Center (UDC) [ 4] provides an adaptive resource provisioning system targeted at enterprise applications. The UDC and grid provide complementary sets of technologies making the UDC an effective power station for an enterprise grid. This paper outlines the strengths of the technologies and demonstrates an approach how a UDC can be connected to an enterprise grid. This paper documents experimental work done to connect the UDC to the Grid using the Globus toolkit 2.0 [5].

17 Pages

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