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Quartermaster: Grid Services for Data Center Resource Reservation

Pruyne, Jim; Machiraju, Vijay


Keyword(s): grid; resource management; scheduling; reservation; agreement

Abstract: Resource reservation and allocation is central to the Grid for most people. To extend the Grid to enterprise or Application Service Provider (ASP) environments, we must find a way to satisfy their unique needs in this area. These needs include support for diverse resources and topologies, long running applications, and stringent demands for security and isolation. We describe a resource reservation system that attempts to satisfy these requirements while building on current and emerging grid standards. In particular, we build heavily on the WS-Agreement specification which provides methods for doing negotiation and creating offers and counter-offers. This is precisely the model we need for doing reservation in these complex environments. On top of WS-Agreement we define a method for describing resource reservations over arbitrary time intervals, with the ability to specify periodic fluctuation in demand, and with uncertain resource levels. Ultimately, the system is intended to support both scientific as well as enterprise resource demands. Notes: Presented at the Workshop on Designing and Building Grid Services, 8 October 2003, Chicago, Illinois

6 Pages

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