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Energy Management on Handheld Devices

Viredaz, Marc A.; Brakmo, Lawrence S.; Hamburgen, William


Keyword(s): handheld computing; battery-powered devices; energy management

Abstract: Handheld devices are becoming ubiquitous and, as their processing and memory capacity increases, they are starting to displace laptop computers for certain tasks -much as laptop computers have displaced desktop computers in many roles. Current handheld devices are evolving either from the organizer or PDA side or from the cellular phone side and both lines are merging rapidly. However, whatever their origin, all handheld devices share the same Achilles' heel, the battery. This is because battery technology is not improving at the same pace as the energy requirements of handheld electronics. Therefore, energy management, once in the realm of desired features, has become an important design requirement and one of the greatest challenges in portable computing, and it will remain so for a long time to come. Notes: Copyright ACM. To be published in ACM Queue, October 2003

10 Pages

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