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Generating Panorama Photos

Deng, Yining; Zhang, Tong


Keyword(s): image stitching; video mosaic; photo panorama

Abstract: Photo or video mosaicing have drawn a lot of interests in the research field in the past years. Most of the existing work, however, focuses on how to match the images or video frames. This paper presents techniques to handle some practical issues when generating panorama photos. We have found from the experiments that a simple translational motion model gives more robust results than affine model for horizontally panned image sequences. Realizing the fact that there would always be some misalignments between two images no matter how well the matching is done, we propose a stitching method that finds a line of best agreement between two images, to make the misalignments less visible. Also shown in this paper are methods on how to correct camera exposure changes and how to blend the stitching line between the images. We will show panorama photos generated from both still images and video. Notes: Copyright SPIE. To be published in and presented at ITCom 2003, 7-11 September 2003, Orlando, Florida

10 Pages

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