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On Adaptive Identity Management: The Next Generation of Identity Management Technologies

Casassa Mont, Marco; Bramhall, Pete; Pato, Joe


Keyword(s): identity management; adaptability; flexibility; integration; policy-driven management; context awareness; collaboration

Abstract: Identity management plays a key role in enabling personal, business and government activities along with interactions and transactions in the digital world. The "chapter 1" of identity management is about the current paradigm, i.e., multiple, slightly integrated products and solutions for relatively static, closed and well controlled environments. It involves little integration, at the management level, with the management of other aspects such as security, privacy and trust. Current trends suggest that the digital world is going to be more and more flexible, interconnected and open. The boundaries between enterprises, organizations, societies and governments will become increasingly blurry as people play different roles in multiple activities that span across heterogeneous contexts. Identity management needs to evolve. We believe that the "chapter 2" of identity management is about adaptive identity management i.e., open, flexible, policy-driven, context-aware identity management that scales across multiple contexts and levels of abstractions and is integrated with the management of security, privacy and trust. The aim of this paper is to illustrate emerging requirements along with our vision of adaptive identity management, describe a possible high-level model for adaptive identity management and explain some of its properties.

19 Pages

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