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Content Exchange Appliances

Milojicic, Dejan; Ankcorn, John; Gossweiler, Rich; Rowson, Jim; Rudolph, Larry; Garg, Sonia; Reynolds; Franklin; Kumar, Rajnish; Raj, Himanshu


Keyword(s): displays; appliances; personal appliances; content exchange

Abstract: WWW and current Information Technology have made it easy to display a wide variety of content on desktops and personal devices. Unfortunately, little progress has been made for access to the content in public areas. Some technologies, such as Internet Kiosks and narrowcast, enable content access (primarily viewing), but not exchange. There is a growing need to access, adapt, and exchange desired information with public displays for improved user experience. In this paper we propose a new approach to content exchange using special purpose devices, which we call Context Exchange Appliances (CEAs). A CEA is a display appliance capable of presenting content and supporting a simple "put/get" interface for content exchange. Based on what is displayed on the CEA, a user can download/upload content to his or her personal device. CEAs have the potential to improve user experiences, maintain privacy and minimize information overload while offering intuitive yet secure user interfaces for content exchange. Notes:

10 Pages

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