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Pervasive Services Infrastructure

Milojicic, Dejan S.


Keyword(s): distributed systems; pervasive systems; peer-to-peer systems; mobile systems; research and development

Abstract: Technology has been advancing in the past century at an incredible rate. All predictions about the limits have been consistently broken for processor speed, network bandwidth, and memory size. Nevertheless, the way we use computers has not kept pace with the technology itself. Computers are still being used in a similar way as a couple of decades ago. We need to change the research from technology-centric to human- centric. Invisible computing, deployed for common users, and in new markets, can dramatically change the technology landscape. It can further influence the way we perceive and use computers and make a disruptive push of technology development. Pervasive and peer-to- peer computing are two efforts in this direction. We compare four different types of computing (distributed, mobile, pervasive, and peer-to-peer) with respect to disruptiveness, benefits, and challenges. Then we analyze research, technology, and management. Finally, we discuss four case study projects as examples of four types of computing and ways of how to conduct research. Notes: To be published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Trends in Information Technologies in the Beginning of the 21st Century

10 Pages

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