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Quality of Business Driven Service Composition and Utility Computing

Machiraju, Vijay; Rolia, Jerry; van Moorsel, Aad


Keyword(s): quality of business; management; web services; data center; utility computing

Abstract: IT systems are more critical to the success of business than ever before. As a best practice, organizations are documenting their business processes and corresponding dependencies on supporting IT systems. As a result they are better able to conduct cost-benefit analysis regarding business objectives and IT investments. In this paper we consider two recent technological advances - service composition and utility computing, and describe how they impact best practice. We introduce the notion of quality of business (QoBiz) and present a methodology that uses QoBiz to continuously direct service composition and utility computing. To facilitate the execution of such continuous QoBiz-driven adaptation, we introduce a distributed architecture of control systems that manages service level agreements. Last, we consider requirements on modeling technologies in support of these advances in QoBiz-driven service-centric computing.

17 Pages

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