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mmGrid: Distributed Resource Management Infrastructure for Multimedia Applications

Basu, Sujoy; Adhikari, Sameer; Kumar, Raj; Yan, Yong; Hochmuth, Roland; Blaho, Bruce E.


Keyword(s): distributed resource management; grid computing; multimedia

Abstract: We are developing mmGrid (Multimedia Grid) as an extensible middleware architecture supporting multimedia applications in a grid computing environment. Our vision is to provide support for interactive applications from the following domains: graphics, visualization, streaming media and tele- immersion. The initial deployment will be within an enterprise as a mechanism for provisioning computing resources. However the scheduling system of mmGrid will be flexible, and will allow interactive and batch jobs to use the grid-computing paradigm. This paper presents our argument for using remote display technology in this environment. We also report on the use cases we support at this point, the system architecture for mmGrid and our research directions. Notes: Copyright IEEE To be published in and presented at the 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 22-26 April 2003, Nice, France

7 Pages

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