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Barriers to real world adoption of semantic web technologies

Butler, Mark

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): semantic web; RDF; XML; CC/PP; UAProf

Abstract: The author of this paper is the creator of the DELI open source API for Composite Capabilities / Preference Profiles (CC/PP) and UAProf, two formats for device capability negotiation based on RDF. As a result of this work, the author has observed that developers outside the Semantic Web activity are currently experiencing difficulties in deploying Semantic Web technology in real world use cases. Based on this experience, the author has identified a number of issues with metadata, RDF and the Semantic Web. This paper explores these issues in depth, with appropriate examples from CC/PP, with two aims: firstly to encourage more realistic discussion about exactly what problems the Semantic Web can and cannot solve and secondly in order to identify how Semantic Web tools can be simplified to aid future adoption.

7 Pages

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