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RDF-QBE: a Semantic Web Building Block

Reynolds, Dave

External - Copyright Consideration

Keyword(s): RDF query; RDF network access

Abstract: A key open question in the development of the Semantic Web is how client applications can selectively retrieve relevant RDF information from RDF stores and servers. In this paper we describe a mechanism for specifying RDF subgraphs, which we call Query by Example (RDF-QBE). We suggest that RDF-QBE is a good tradeoff between expressive power, simplicity and performance. The primary motivation for RDF-QBE was as a standardized interface for retrieval of RDF subgraphs from remote servers but we demonstrate several additional modes of use (pattern triggers, access control, address-by-property) that become tractable due to the high performance of RDF-QBE implementations. We illustrate these applications of RDF-QBE in the context of a community information management application built using Semantic Web tools.

7 Pages

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