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Model-Based Delay-Distortion Optimization for Video Streaming Using Packet Interleaving

Liang, Yi J.; Apostolopoulos, John G.; Girod, Bernd


Keyword(s): video streaming; packet loss; R-D optimization; packet interleaving; error-resilient video

Abstract: Bursty channel losses have been shown to generally produce larger total mean-square error distortion in streaming video than an equivalent number of isolated losses. This paper proposes a simple packet interleaving scheme to combat the effect of bursty losses by dispersing them. The optimal interleaver for minimizing the expected total distortion of the decoded video, subject to a delay constraint, is determined using a model that accurately predicts the expected distortion for different packet loss patterns. Compared to other forms of error-resilience, packet interleaving has the advantages of (1) simplicity and (2) not requiring any extra bitrate. For a simple burst loss channel, where each loss event has 100 ms duration, packet interleaving can provide between .24 and .87 dB gain over conventional non- interleaved streaming, at the expense of a delay increase of 400 ms. Notes: Copyright IEEE Presented at the 36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 3-6 November 2002, Pacific Grove, CA

5 Pages

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