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Image-Based Photo Hulls

Slabaugh, Gregory G.; Shafer, Ronald W.; Hans, Mat C.


Keyword(s): 3D photography; photo hull; visual hull; image-based rendering; new view synthesis; photo-consistency; real-time computer vision

Abstract: We present an efficient image-based rendering algorithm that computes photo hulls of a scene photographed from multiple viewpoints. Our algorithm, Image-Based Photo Hulls (IBPH), like the Image-Based Visual Hulls (IBVH) algorithm from Matusik et. al. on which it is based takes advantage of epipolar geometry to efficiently reconstruct the geometry and visibility of a scene. Our IBPH algorithm differs from IBVH in that it utilizes the color information of the images to identify scene geometry. These additional color constraints result in more accurately reconstructed geometry, which projects to better synthesized virtual views of the scene. We demonstrate our algorithm running in a realtime 3D telepresence application using video data acquired from four viewpoints.

17 Pages

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