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Monitoring of Component-Based Systems

Li, Jun


Keyword(s): runtime monitoring; component-based systems; distributed and multithreaded systems; instrumentation; causal tracing; CORBA

Abstract: The current state-of-the-art techniques are not sufficient to debug, understand and characterize multithreaded and distributed systems. In this report, we present a software monitoring framework for distributed and multithreaded systems which are built upon component technology, as the attempt to explore software development tools to address this need. Our monitoring framework captures multidimensional system behaviors-application semantics, timing latency and shared resource usage. We adopt the approach of compiler-assisted auto-generation of instrumentation probes into the stub and the skeleton. With our system-wide causal tracing techniques, global propagation of resource consumption and timing is captured from locally recorded monitoring data. Furthermore, the monitoring framework allows users to select different types of system behaviors and different subsets of candidate components for monitoring. As the result, not only the amount of monitoring data can be reduced, but also the monitoring associated interference can be eliminated or mitigated. System behavior characterization tools are also developed to support this monitoring framework, including reconstruction and visualization of dynamic system call graphs, and characterization of end-to-end timing latency for function invocation.

26 Pages

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