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When talking is not enough

Hickey, Marianne


Keyword(s): multimodal; voice; disability; pervasive interaction

Abstract: The Internet of the future will be characterized by the availability of millions of e-services accessed by mobile users, via an array of different end-user devices, with a variety of user preferences and usage environments. How will people interact with these services and what technologies are required in the infrastructure and the devices? This article explores the future of user interaction with web services, in a world where people are increasingly mobile. I introduce one possible future - that of multimodal browsing, which offers you the choice of using spoken commands, keypads, pointing devices, gesture or other input modalities. On the output side, you have the choice of listening to spoken prompts and audio, or seeing plain text, motion video, or graphics. Interaction modalities can be used independently or concurrently, as is appropriate for the devices that are available, the environment and preferences. In this article, I discuss multimodal browsing and the research challenges and relate this to access to the web by people with disabilities.

4 Pages

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