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Identity Management : a Key e-Business Enabler

Casassa Mont, Marco; Bramhall, Pete; Gittler, Mickey; Pato, Joe; Rees, Owen


Keyword(s): identity management; trust; security; privacy; e- business; e-commerce; e-government

Abstract: Digital identities, profiles and their management are increasingly required to enable interactions and transactions on the Internet among people, enterprises, service providers and government institutions. Recent initiatives, including Microsoft .MyServices and Liberty Alliance Project, are eager to supply mechanisms to enable identity management and simplify the overall consumer experience. Enterprises and government institutions are exploring the usage of meta-directories, PKI and electronic identity cards. This paper describes the state of the art of identity management, looks at trends, requirements and hard problems that need to be addressed - including trust, privacy and security - and presents some HP research activities in this area.

11 Pages

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