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Design of A Business Process Analyzer

Jin, Li-jie; Casati, Fabio; van Moorsel, Aad


Keyword(s): business process analyzer; process probe; business process analysis

Abstract: Business process management technologies are being adopted by more and more companies to improve the efficiency of both their internal processes and e- services offered to customers. In order to maintain a certain level of service quality, business processes need to be executed within a well-managed environment and with assistance of a suite of well designed tools. In this paper, we present the design of a business process logic and performance analyzer. This business process analyzer enables process developers and managers to monitor and to analyze business processes in a similar way to how a hardware logic analyzer enables hardware developers to monitor and to analyze their hardware logic design. We describe desirable functions of such a process analyzer and various process probing technologies. We then present an architecture and implementation of the business process analyzer. At the end, we discuss how this analyzer works with a business process management system to improve design and run-time performance of business processes. Notes: To be published in the International Symposium on Information Systems and Engineering, 14-18 July 2002, San Diego, California

13 Pages

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