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Business Process Intelligence

Casati, Fabio; Dayal, Umesh; Sayal, Mehmet; Shan, Ming-Chien


Keyword(s): workflows; data warehousing; business intelligence

Abstract: Process design and automation technologies are being increasingly used by both traditional and newly- formed, Internet-based enterprises in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their administrative and production processes, to manage e-commerce transactions, and to rapidly and reliably deliver services to businesses and individual customers. In order to attract and retain customers as well as business partners, organizations need to provide their services (i.e., execute their processes) with a high, consistent, and predictable quality. From a process automation perspective, this has several implications: for example, the business processes should be correctly designed, their execution should be supported by a system that can meet the workload requirements, and the (human or automated) process resources should be able to perform their work items in a timely fashion. This paper presents a set of integrated tools that supports business and IT users in managing process execution quality. We refer to this set of tools as the Business Process Intelligence (BPI) tool suite, since it is based on the application of business intelligence techniques to business processes.

12 Pages

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