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Entanglement Creation Using Quantum Interrogation

Gilchrist, Alexei; White, Andrew; Munro, William


Keyword(s): characterisation of entanglement; entanglement manipulation; mixed states

Abstract: We present some applications of high efficiency quantum interrogation (``interaction free measurement'') for the creation of entangled states of separate atoms and of separate photons. The quantum interrogation of a quantum object in a superposition of object-in and object-out leaves the object and probe in an entangled state. The probe can then be further entangled with other objects in subsequent quantum interrogations. By then projecting out those cases were the probe is left in a particular final state, the quantum objects can themselves be left in various entangled states. In this way we show how to generate two-, three-, and higher qubit entanglement between atoms and between photons. The effect of finite efficiency for the quantum interrogation is delineated for the various schemes. Notes: Alexei Gilchrist and Andrew White, Department of Physics, University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Brisbane, Australia

7 Pages

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