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HP Labs Technical Reports

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Maximal Effective Bandwidth under "Leaky Bucket" Constraints

Walsh, Cormac


Keyword(s): worst case traffic; leaky bucket; generic cell rate algorithm; effective bandwidth

Abstract: Please Note. This abstract contains mathematical formulae which cannot be represented here. We investigate the worst possible behaviour of a stationary source if the traffic emanating from it is constrained to have a peak rate no greater than and to obey a "leaky bucket" constraint with bucket size and leak rate . The quantity to be maximised is the effective bandwidth function which governs the asymptotic loss rate when a large number of such sources pass through a single server queue. We conjecture the form of the worse case traffic in general and prove the conjecture for the special case when T, the timescale parameter of the effective bandwidth, is less than both / ( - ) and / , the times taken respectively to fill and empty the leaky bucket.

16 Pages

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