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The Relationship between Quality of Service and Business Metrics: Monitoring, Notification and Optimization

Wolter, Katinka; van Moorsel, Aad


Keyword(s): e-services; QoS; QoE; QoBiz; management; business metrics; alarms; optimization; monitoring

Abstract: This report discusses the effects of quality of service degradations on the profitability of e- services. We characterize possible relationships between quality-of-service metrics (throughput, delay, availability) and business metrics (revenue, costs). We build an e-service (named Q2B) that collects run- time data and visualizes the above relationships. Furthermore, the Q2Bservice triggers alarms if customers are likely to react to quality-of-service perturbations of a service or its suppliers. We also apply mathematical programming to facilitate business decision making based on the impact of QoS on business metrics.

17 Pages

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