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Implementing Physical Hyperlinks Using Ubiquitous Identifier Resolution

Kindberg, Tim


Keyword(s): physical hyperlinks; identifier resolution; ubiquitous computing; nomadic computing

Abstract: Identifier resolution is presented as a way to link the physical world with virtual Web resources. In this paradigm, designed to support nomadic users, the user employs a handheld, wirelessly connected, sensor- equipped device to read identifiers associated with physical entities. The identifiers are resolved into virtual resources or actions related to the physical entities - as though the user 'clicked on a physical hyperlink'. We have integrated identifier resolution with the Web so that it can be deployed as ubiquitously as the Web, in the infrastructure and on wirelessly connected handheld devices. We enable users to capture resolution services and applications as Web resources in their local context. We use the Web to invoke resolution services, with a model of 'physical' Web form-filling. We propose a scheme for binding identifiers to resources, to promote services and applications linking the physical and virtual worlds. Notes: To be published in the 11th International World Wide Web Conference, 7-11 May 2002, Honolulu, HI

9 Pages

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