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Secure Web Access in an Environment of Mutual Distrust

Morgan, Jeff; Morris, Howard; Krishnan, Venky; Ivan, Anca-Andreea


Keyword(s): No keywords available.

Abstract: Today, the Internet is used for a variety of services that require a high degree of security (ex: e- commerce, banking and stock exchange transactions, and credit card account management). More than ever, companies rely on the web for conducting their businesses: telecommuters working from home use computers to remotely access resources, partner companies doing collaborative projects use networks to interact, retail companies sell products over the web, etc. Wireless networks further enhance user connectivity in an increasingly nomadic environment. Users demand transparent access to secure resources in their "home" systems from insecure remote network infrastructures like Internet Cafe, airports, shopping centers, other companies. Further, network providers want to prohibit these users from accessing resources other than the ones for which they have access rights. This paper focuses on a solution that provides secure remote access to Web resources, when the connection traverses several trusted and nontrusted, wireless or wired based networks.

22 Pages

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