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Towards Service-Centric System Organization

Kotov, Vadim



Abstract:The service-centric computing, which clearly manifests itself in quickly growing Internet services, e- businesses and e-commerce, compels the service- oriented organization and management of both applications and systems. The service in this context is the central concept playing the role similar to that of an object in object-oriented programming. There are many ways of defining services and service environments (serviceware). E-services are mostly stress the customer-oriented organization and management of applications (service discovery, brokering, negotiating, etc.). This report draws attention to the service-oriented system organization, specifically to those concepts and mechanisms of service representation, placement, and management that are appropriate at the system level. The report introduces the (core) system service as a bridge between the e-services and their execution and management at the system level. It represents a set of applications and data, which participate in implementation of the service, plus a descriptor-interface that identifies the service and its external properties, plus a wrapper that organizes and controls the execution of these applications and takes responsibility for the service external communication. The core service concept is primarily intended for the system design and management in large-scale service systems. Being simple, core services yet catch the most basic service features needed for optimization of the global performance of such systems. It may be refined in both directions: either towards e-services or towards system-level services. Specification of the core service and main related notions (server, service request and response) are outlined. A simple metrics for monitoring service resource demands and server resource capacity is proposed.

19 Pages

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