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VoiceWeb: Wizard of Oz

de Bruine, Annelies


Keyword(s): multimodal; wizard of oz; speech; user studies; usability

Abstract: The VoiceWeb project works on spoken language technology. The speech system we work with is the Galaxy system of MIT, it is a speaker independent system. Like most speaker independent speech systems, Galaxy works with different domains. Every domain has its own recogniser and will be able to understand words and sentence within a certain field, the domain. The VoiceWeb team in HPLabs Bristol works on the so- called MIZIK-system. The domain is music and at the moment of the trials the database held information about the album top 40. To train the system we needed to collect utterances. The Wizard of Oz experiment was designed to collect words and utterances. People could ring a free 0800-number and ask our system 10 questions. The callers thought the system was answering the questions, but there was an operator listening in who gave the answers. The operator listened to the questions, typed in a code and the answer was given to the callers by the system via a speech-synthesizer. Over 300 people called the 0800- number and their utterances have been used to upgrade the MIZIK-system.

14 Pages

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