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Semantic Analysis of Business Process Executions

Casati, Fabio; Shan, Ming-Chien


Keyword(s): workflows; data warehousing; business intelligence

Abstract: Business Process Management Systems log a large amount of operational data about processes and about the (human and automated) resources involved in their executions. This information can be analyzed for assessing the quality of business operations, identify problems, and suggest solutions. However, current process analysis systems lack the functionalities required to provide information that can be immediately digested and used by business analysts to take decisions. In this paper we discuss the limitations of existing approaches and we present a system and a set of techniques, developed at Hewlett- Packard, that overcome this limitations, enabling the use of log data for efficient business-level analysis of business processes. Notes: Copyright Springer- Verlag. To be published in EDBT '02, 24-28 March 2002, Prague, Czech Republic

10 Pages

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