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Business Process Cockpit

Sayal, Mehmet; Casati, Fabio; Dayal, Umesh; Shan, Ming-Chien


Keyword(s): workflow; business process; HPPM (HP Process Manager); data analysis; visualization of data

Abstract: Business Process Cockpit (BPC) is a tool that supports real-time monitoring, analysis, management, and optimization of business processes running on top of HP Process Manager, the Business Process Management System developed by Hewlett-Packard. The main goal of the Business Process Cockpit is to enable business users to perform business-level quality analysis, monitoring, and management of business processes. The BPC visualizes process execution data according to different focus points that identify the process entities that are the focus of the analysis, and different perspectives that define a way to look at the information. The BPC also allows users to define new concepts, such as "slow" and "fast" executions, and use those concepts to categorize the viewed data and make it much easier for users to interpret.

8 Pages

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