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Building a Global Corporate Library Portal: Usability Results and Design Implications

Hirsh, Sandra G.


Keyword(s): portals; usability; intranet; web design; library

Abstract: This paper presents the findings from usability studies that were conducted as part of efforts to build a global library portal site for a large high tech company. A series of five usability tests were conducted on five different corporate library web sites, all within the same company, but based in three different countries. Usability results addressed the factors influencing the success rates on the web sites, the user perceptions of usability of the web sites, and the most valuable parts of the web sites. The results of the study are presented, as well as the implications for the design of library portal sites. Notes: Copyright American Society for Information Science and Technology. To be published in and presented at the American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, November 2-8, 2001, Washington D.C.

17 Pages

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