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Reliable OCR Solution for Digital Content Re-mastering

Lin, Xiaofan


Keyword(s): digital content re-mastering; OCR; multiple classifier combination; reliability; printing-on-demand; majority voting

Abstract: This paper addresses the system's aspects of OCR solutions in the context of digital content re- mastering. It analyzes the unique requirements and challenges to implement a reliable OCR system in a high-volume and unattended environment. A new reliability metric is proposed and a practical solution based on the combination of multiple commercial OCR engines is introduced. Experimental results show that the combination system is both much more accurate and more reliable when compared with individual engines, thus it can fully satisfy the need of digital content re-mastering applications. Notes: To be presented at and published in the SPIE Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval IX, 20-25 January 2002

9 Pages

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