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A Comparison of Equalizer Structures for Frequency Diverse QAM

Bisaglia, Paola; Castle, Robert J.


Keyword(s): homePNA; frequency diverse QAM; equalization

Abstract: Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) 2.0 is a promising new technology using existing telephone wiring for home networking. A key feature of its transmission standard is to provide several physical layer modes, with different modulation formats at two possible symbol rates, which can be selected according to the channel conditions. In particular at the lower symbol rate it employs a modified form of QAM, called Frequency Diverse QAM (FDQAM), in which the same information is transmitted in three distinct frequency regions to increase the robustness of transmission. In this paper, focusing on the lower rate of the system, the performance of the new FDQAM in conjunction with several equalizer structures is analyzed and compared with a traditional QAM system. Simulation results are presented to determine the most appropriate equalizer structure as a trade-off between performance and complexity.

4 Pages

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