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HP Labs Technical Reports

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The Non-local Content of Quantum Operations

Collins, Daniel; Linden, Noah; Popescu, Sandu


Keyword(s): quantum information; entanglement; quantum dynamics

Abstract: We show that quantum operations on multi-particle systems have a non-local content; this mirrors the non-local content of quantum states. We introduce a general framework for discussing the non-local content of quantum operations, and give a number of examples. Quantitative relations between quantum actions and the entanglement and classical communication resources needed to implement these actions are also described. We also show how entanglement can catalyse classical communication from a quantum action. Notes: Daniel Collins & Sandu Popescu, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Ave, Bristol, BS8 1TL UK. Noah Linden, Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TW UK

7 Pages

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