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Extending ARM for End-to-End Correlation and Optimization of E-service Transactions

Sahai, Akhil; Ouyang, Jinsong; Machiraju, Vijay


Keyword(s): optimization; management; E-services; ARM

Abstract: E-services on the web are increasingly beginning to cooperate to perform complex tasks. This has resulted in transactions that although begin and end at an e- service have parts of them executed on other cooperating e-services. Because of their federated nature and varied implementation, it is difficult to perform end to end correlation of such transactions that span multiple e-services. The problem would be compounded by the increasing trend of dynamic composition of e-services. Application Response Measurement is a standard for measuring application responses that originate at a client and involve multiple servers. We extend ARM to the e-services world to perform end to end correlation. In doing so we enable multi-dimensional correlation--a local correlation as well as a correlation spanning multiple e-services.

8 Pages

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