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HP Labs Technical Reports

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A Visually Significant Two Dimensional Barcode

Shaked, Doron; Levy, Avi; Baharav, Zachi; Yen, Jonathan


Keyword(s): 2-D Barcode; information hiding; watermarking

Abstract: 2-D barcodes are two-dimensional graphical patterns that encode information. They allow for higher information density than the standard one-dimensional barcodes, but usually have an unpleasant appearance . This report describes a system, consisting of an encoder and a decoder, producing a Visually Significant 2-D Barcode (VSB). The VSB encodes information in a 2-D pattern that is visually similar to a pre-specified 2-D gray scale image. It enjoys the high information density typical to 2-D barcodes but avoids their unpleasant appearance.

28 Pages

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